I Stand all Amazed
I really do Stand all amazed for all that my Savior has done for me. It make's me feel so much peace. That he cares for me so much that he would do that for me, but for everyone. My heart is full of joy and love toward My God and My Savior and the Holy Ghost. For the things they have done to help me through my life. For I do go through those hard time every day of my life. I know that when ever go though a hard time I can pray and he will come to me. "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."(Matthew 11:30) For the Savior's arms are open and are willing to help us, all we need to do is ask.
I know that this is the true church. He has helped me so much in my life, and He can help you to just Pray and just know his arms are open wide and are willing to comfort you.
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